Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mike Tastes a Rainbow

Michael Sheridan of New Haven, CT., who was suspended and stripped of his Student Council post for purchasing a bag of Skittles from a friend at school, has been exonerated. Read the story here.

Candy has been banned at the school since 2003 as part of a health/wellness policy.

Suspension and removal from office are punishments way above and beyond ridiculous, though I recall that Skittles could be used as a weapon when I was in school and a friend thought it funny to pelt me in the back with them (and Resses Pieces) in American Literature class.

Had Michael not been cleared in what CNN calls a "candy caper," the Mike Committee would have worked (with Amnesty International, the ACLU, and the MARS company which makes the bite-sized confection) to right this grave wrong.


Blogger MikeP said...

How did he ever get them past the metal detector?

9:26 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Mike's are quite clever.

10:31 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

You're overdue for a post.

Mike - I couldn't find your email, so I'm posting this here. Please delete this comment off your blog entirely when you're done reading it and I will post a more simple comment later.

I have a proposal. Do you think you can write a review on my blog for your website? I will give your link with an excerpt on the "Critic's Corner" section of my blog and drum up the critique when finished.

Also, in the future I am going to have a best fan contest for my blog and I will have a page for all of my best fans with a bio and photos or videos or whatever else you can think of. I am also releasing some new rap songs in the next couple months and I am going to be making t-shirts to sell on my wesbite given the amount of email I get about "Lil' Migs". For your loyal contributions I will give you a shirt on the house.

5:57 AM  
Blogger MikeP said...

Mike R:

I am always available for criticism of others. Better make it a big corner.

6:42 PM  

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