The giving and gifting season is upon us, and about to slap us into
reality as we countdown the days left to circle the sharking lots,
brave the crowds, agonize over the choices, meander through the lines of sour-faced, weary shoppers to the cashier who will, as an agent of the store we are in, drain our checking accounts or boost our debt.
But enough of the negativity--it's almost Christmas! And as the famed
The Office character Michael Scott reminds us in last season's heart-warming Christmas episode, "Presents are the best way to show someone how much you care. It is like this tangible thing that you can point to and say 'Hey, man, I love you this many dollars-worth.' "
So, fellow MIkes, make sure you are taken care of. Start with some monogrammed Mike gear like these items that I found while making my list. They seem to borrow on the NIKE logo, which could be breaking interpol, and interstate counterfeit merchandise laws; However, if those special people who you'll share your Christmas list with aren't willing to risk a few days in jail or a fine, it may be time to consider how much they really do care, if at all...